If your azaleas are finished blooming and in need of some pruning, during the month of April is the best time to prune. To achieve beautiful, natural looking azaleas, remember not to use power shears, but to use the Selective Hand Pruning method. To view a video of this, please visit our website. Go inside the plant canopy and selectively prune the azaleas limbs that are the tallest. I make my cuts between 6" to 1-2'inside the canopy the shrub. One very important detail to remember is to not prune your azaleas after July 4th. If you want to reduce the size of your azaleas, it is better to prune them now, so that they will have plenty of time to grow this summer. Azaleas even be severely pruned now if necessary, but remember not to use power shears. Using the power shears will give you a "meatball-like" appearance that screams that they have been "hacked."