A recent newsletter subscriber wrote in and asked, "What vine can I grow on my trellis?" Below are my top 3 suggestions: Clematis is one of the most popular vines and is the easiest to grow on a fence or trellis. It does well in full to part sun and blooms in the spring, summer, and fall. Also, there are many different colors and blends on the market today to choose from. The Crossvine is loaded with flowers! This vine has more blooms than any other vine grown natively in Mississippi. The beautiful orange trumpet-shaped flowers demand the attention of anyone nearby. The Crossvine begins blooming in April and produces about 4- 5 weeks of vibrant color. After it blooms, I like to do a major pruning and thinning to keep the vine in shape and confined. Carolina Jessamine blooms beautiful yellow flowers in the early spring. This easy growing vine has wonderful growth, but over time can become top-heavy. Carolina Jessamine is a semi-evergreen vine with fragrant yellow flowers, and a wonderful sign that spring is here! This vine will need to be pruned after blooming. This photo of a White Dawn Rose was sent in by Barbara Collier one of our Planting to Grow readers. This lovely climber is a descendent from a 'New Dawn' rose that has the same vigorous growth and flowering habits. Its flowers are pure white, double, and very fragrant. The blooms are born in small clusters, and bear a resemblance to gardenias. This type rose is a great selection for a sturdy fence, trellis, or arbor, and requires minimal care. The White Dawn Rose also produces a nice sweet fragrance. This type rose can grow from 12-20 feet, and has repeat blooming. It is recommended for zones 5-9.