Have you been enjoying this great February weather? February is a great time to get ready for spring. I have just finished pruning back my Knock Out roses. Knock Outs are tough and can take a little neglect. If yours are really tall, you can prune them down to 12-24" off the ground. After I pruned mine, they are now about 12" tall now and I will not have to prune them any more this year, just watch them bloom and grow. Check out the following video on pruning Knock Out roses. Simply, click here. It is not necessary to prune them if you like tall roses. Knock Out roses are hard to mess up, so have fun, my friends. Monkey grass, aka Liriope, can also be cut back now. You can use hand snips, weed eater, or a lawn mower to accomplish this task. Although, if your monkey grass looks great, you don't need to cut it back. Click here to watch a clip on pruning monkey grass. Now is also a great time to prune your ornamental grasses. Trim these down to 6" off the ground. Power shears work great on these. To see a video on this, click here. Yes, it is time to clean up and do a little pruning on your Crape Myrtles, but did you know that if you don't prune crape myrtles they will still bloom? Click here to find out more.