photo by Wood Landscape Are you ready for Spring? Are you pruning, cleaning, and stopping the weeds? Here are some things you should be doing in February: If your Crape Myrtle tree needs pruning, prune it, but don’t turn it into a hat rack. Crape Myrtle trees do not need to be pruned in order to bloom. Look back over this article to learn more on how to properly prune your Crape Myrtles. Clean up your leaf litter and put down your pre-emergent weed control in shrub beds. There are several pre-emergents on the market and easy to apply. Preen, Barricade, and Snap Shot are available in stores. Read and follow the labels to see which one will be the best for your yard. You can cut back your Monkey Grass (Liriope) at this time. Remove the old leaves (blades). Of course you don’t have to cut these back, but lots of folks like to remove last years leaves. Use your choice of mower, weed eater, hedge trimmer, or even hand snipes to do the removal. This is a great time to be getting your hardwood mulch or pine straw down in your shrub beds. Make sure to keep them off the base of your tree trunks and shrubs. Two inches deep with hardwood mulch and 4-8” deep with pine straw. February usually gives us some warm days that makes working in the yard fun. Let me know what all you are doing. I am getting ready for the Green Thumb Boot Camp and am looking forward to helping you create the most beautiful yard on your street. Planting to grow, Jeff P.S. Make sure to bring your yard photos to the Boot Camp!