Having gorgeous curb appeal is only one of the many ways that gardening is beneficial. Did you know that gardening improves your health and your way of life? If you are having difficulty squeezing in your 30 minutes of exercise each day, why not head outside to do some yard work? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider gardening as "moderate cardiovascular exercise". If you are concerned about the high temperatures outside, try working for 15 min outdoors in the early morning and an additional 15 min in the late afternoon. Are you afraid you might have had a few too many ice-cream sandwiches this summer? The National Institute of Health recommends 30 to 45 minutes of gardening three to five times a week in effort to fight obesity. Gardening has been shown to help lower the risks of osteoporosis and diabetes, contribute to healthy sleep patterns, reduce stress, and bring an overall positive outlook toward life. 
As with any exercise, listen to your body and try not to place repeated strain in one area. It is best to try and use different muscles each time you work in your yard. For instance, you might begin with trimming a limb from a tree, which would mainly incorporate upper body strength, and then next consider bending down and pulling weeds, requiring lower body strength. Don't forget that bending at the knees and not at the waist will help ease the pressure in your lower back. You might also consider having raised beds in your yard. Having a raised flower or garden bed can help alleviate many of the common strains or injuries that one might experience when gardening.

 No matter how or when you choose to do your gardening. The advantages are undeniable! Enjoy being outdoors and reap the multitude of benefits! Gardening's Surprising Health Benefits." NextAvenue. n.p., Sparks, Shelley. Web. 15 Jun. 2012.