Recently one of our Planting to Grow subscribers emailed me and said, "My nandinas are too tall! How do I trim them?" Any stems that you choose to trim on nandinas, should be cut completely back to the ground. It is important to remember that each stem that is cut will send out multiple new shoots. Pruning your nandina this way will help keep the plant looking full and great! You can remove one-third to one-half of the total number of stems each winter. It is best to do this late in the winter season. Over the course of about 3 years you'll have entirely replenished the growth of your nandina. However, Nana Nandinas, which are the smaller growing variety of nandina, cannot be trimmed in the same manner as the larger nandinas. You must selectively remove the unwanted stems of the Nana Nandina. Trimming should be kept at a minimum because they do not grow quite as vigorously as the larger nandinas.